Friday, February 25, 2011

"Are you really trying?"

So says my health assessment that I took as a guideline for a paper I am writing. I received a 54% in physical fitness and 44% in emotional control. That means two things: I know what my focus will be for my personal health promotion plan and I just had a computer tell me that I'm a loser.

This assignment is for us to understand what our patients feel like when we provide them with lifestyle changes they need to make in order for them to create a healthier lifestyle. But, similar to what I said in my last post, I'm finding it difficult to follow this assignment when it's assignments/school that's driving me nuts and taking up a lot of time in the first place. But, I'm going to try my best. In fact, once I finish up this blog post, I'm planning on going for a jog/walk. Even though it's cold, at least it's sunny. Hopefully it's a step in the right direction.

Do you ever feel as if you're stuck in the roundabout of life?

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